Monday, March 31


Australian Ballet in The Sydney Opera House
Australia, Business, Countries

Australian Ballet in The Sydney Opera House

Initially, dance was considered to be a form to express your happiness or to realize that excess energy, but at present, it has taken a new form & phase. Right from giving you a perfectly toned body to making you a dancing sensation, dance has become one major and the only source of the same. And in order to attain the same, there are people who go for dance classes ropes crossing or other types of dance classes which can help you know the techniques behind different dance forms. This unique form of expressing yourself has different meanings and values for each and every country. For instance- if a vivacious country like India celebrates it in the form of classical dance & music, on the other hand, Australia is very much in love with classical ballet classes. Among the ent...
Big Gains Made By Anti-EU Parties in the Italian General Election
Countries, Politics

Big Gains Made By Anti-EU Parties in the Italian General Election

The face of Italy is changing as anti-EU parties make big gains in the Italian general election. Only six parties won seats in the March 4 election namely the Five Star Movement (M5S), the Democratic Party, and the League, The others are Forza Italia, Brothers of Italy, and Free & Equal. The anti-establishment parties, i.e., M5S, The League, and Brothers of Italy have won 50% of the vote. M5S was the most significant winner with more than 30% of the vote. However, it failed to capture a majority of the vote resulting in a hung parliament. That means a coalition government in Italy is inevitable. Alessandro Di Battista, one of the most prominent members of the M5S, was upbeat about its performance in this election. He proclaimed that the government has to negotiate with them on sen...
United Petroleum Buys Pie Face
Australia, Business, Countries, Uncategorized

United Petroleum Buys Pie Face

Earlier this year, United Petroleum announced that it had acquired the intellectual property and retail network of the beleaguered Pie Face food chain for an undisclosed amount of money. Pie Face has been in administration since 2014 and the receivers of O’Brien have tried to sell the company since October of 2016. No one could have predicted that this Australian food chain would end up in the hands of a petrol retailer, but then again, no one could have foreseen the spectacular fall of Pie Face. Pie Face was founded by former Wall Street banker Wayne Homschek and interior designer Betty Fong, who aggressively launched franchises in Australia, Singapore and the US. At one point, Pie Face had more than 70 stores in Australia alone and had ambitious plans to expand to the Philippines, Kor...
Understanding World Economy And World Industry
China, Countries, Politics, United States, World

Understanding World Economy And World Industry

Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the income and output for the economy of a country. The world GDP has been calculated at $65.61 trillion by the CIA World Factbook (2007). Another comparative measurement of wealth is purchasing power parity (PPP). It is the relative values of two currencies. Now, look at the world from the Wests perspective. China occupies Tibet. Any dissent is swiftly dealt with using brutal efficiency. The death sentence is enforced and organs harvested from executed criminals. Many in the West view these practices as, at the least, distasteful. But this is the accepted way in China. It has become a catch-up concept to describe a range of trends and forces leading to openness, integration, and interdependence of economies. In short, LPG process--liberalization, ...
What is Qurban in Islam?
Countries, World

What is Qurban in Islam?

What is Qurban in Islam Qurban is a religious ritual in Islam which involves sacrificing animals on certain days in order to seek the pleasure of God. It is a religion festival which coincides with the largest gathering of Muslims from all over the world in Mecca for Hajj, the yearly pilgrimage. It is a ritual that is celebrated by a billion Muslims around the world, which has great historical, religious and cultural significance. Find more about Qurban FAQ here. Historical significance Sacrificing animals to attain the pleasure of God has been an integral part of all ancient religions. Islam, being an Abrahamic religion, has a long history starting from the first man on earth, Adam. According to Islamic history, Qurban is an act which replicates the actions of Prophet Abraham, one of...
Taiwan ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to a legal right to marry
Countries, Politics, Taiwan, World

Taiwan ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to a legal right to marry

For the first time in Asia, the continent has witnessed a rather unfamiliar law being passed when the constitutional court in Taiwan ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to a legal right to marry. The Judicial Yuan recognized present laws as adversely violating the people’s freedom to marry and their freedom to equality. A two year period was therefore issued for legal amendments to be made so as to allow marriage between same-sex couples, failure to which the same-sex couple will be free to marry and have registration of their marriage effectuated. Taiwan - Centre of liberalism It was a great relief to the activists of gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual marriage who had invested their hopes in years of campaign for these rights. The presently reigning Democratic Progressive ...
Coming challenges could slow the Asian economic juggernaut
Business, China, Countries, World

Coming challenges could slow the Asian economic juggernaut

In last decade, the world has seen China jump towards its aim of becoming one of the most advanced economies. The average GDP (gross domestic product) growth of 10% has removed hundreds of families out of so-called poverty converting China into a powerful economic hub. The speed of its growth in coming times will decide whether it has what it takes to challenge United States for the superpower. Will China run, stall or crawl over the next 10 years? As per many economists, it's difficult to make any prediction for future at this point of time especially for such long prediction period on Asian economy because of the great power of complicated numbers.There have been recent studies on global economic outlook with varying GDP projections of the future. the growth of China will consisten...