Setting up a coffee house can be an exciting and profitable prospect for young entrepreneurs those having genuine love & passion for coffee. There are numerous advantages to opening a coffee shop and a handful of these as follow-
- Enjoy a Sense of Freedom
- Like Any Other Business Be Your Own Boss
- A Profitable Business
- Unleash Your Creativity
- Socializing and More
Before you jump the gun thinking about the above perks opening a coffee house isn’t easy, there are several roadblocks in your path to business glory.
Today, there is so much rivalry in the market, with big players like Starbucks are cementing their position in various parts of the world, while there is an independent coffee shop just about every mile away. Ask any successful business owner, they will not hesitate to honor a profusion of challenges those comes with establishing & running a prospering coffee business, and how their hard and smart work eventually paid off. Further, they will highlight the importance of paying heed to every minute detail, right from finding a viable business space, having the right arsenal of equipment especially the coffee machine to having the desirable ambiance where your customers enjoy their favorite cup of the brewer.
Now, coming to the big question, how much does it cost to open a coffee shop? Scroll down to know the answer-
A popular figure given by a renewed coffee shop chain Crimson Cup, the rough estimate range for setting up a successful coffee outlet is $80,000 to $250,000. The costs are soaring at a tremendous rate annually, since the coffee shops are one of the most popularly growing sectors of the entire food industry, with a growth rate of 7% as of the year 2011.
S.No | Equipment List for Opening a Coffee Shop |
1 | Automatic Drip Coffee Makers |
2 | A High-Quality Espresso Machine |
3 | An Industrial Coffee Grinder |
4 | Refrigeration System |
5 | Containers, Pumps and Assorted Miscellaneous |
There are three phases involved with starting a coffee business-
Phase 1: Write a Proper Business Plan
Whether you are a service-based or products manufacturing company, without a carefully crafted business plan the road to glory is way beyond the reach. Writing a plan is about identifying the possible costs associated with buying the equipment. These cannot be done merely on assumptions, you good to research the market to know the approx cost of the commercial coffee machines, instead of buying a cheap invaluable office coffee machine. Moreover, it is a great way to find out whether starting a coffee business is right for you. In a nutshell, the business plan for a coffee business is way beyond the proposal of costs, instead, it lists out the steps required to establish a coffee house.
Phase2: Finding and Developing Space
Now, coming to the most crucial aspect which is finding the right commercial space, you just can’t start a coffee in the proximity to any humans’ devoid area. Take your time, don’t hurry up in setting up the business, and look for great opportunities like outlets nearby office or the college zone. Both these places are an ocean of possibilities to give the right kick-start your business. Mind your surroundings; it is probably not a Wiseman choice to set up your coffee house next to Starbucks.
Once, you have decided on the place, it’s time to renovate it in order to create a great ambiance for your customers. Find a trustworthy commercial décor expert to provide you with a rough estimate of the cafe fit out costs. Moreover, they will advise on things those are in trend. While, you possibly are considering keeping the renovation expenses to a minimum, but this is an important factor that can make or break your business. So, don’t undermine the minute things of the cafe fit out like the lightings, decorations, etc. Also, seek the help of a qualified cafe designer.
Phase3: Purchasing
Now, the equipment required for a coffee business is subjected to its own expectations, but there are certain things without which a coffee house is incomplete. These include the Water Filtration System, Commercial Coffee Grinder, and Drip Coffee Maker & Espresso Machine. Since buying the coffee shop equipment is a big investment, consider brands and not to mention take note of the online reviews and ratings.
In the end, from the above, you probably got a little idea of the costs associated with a coffee business. For more worthy advice, it is best to talk to someone, who is already in this business for some years.